Saturday, November 19, 2016

Games and Simulation Principle

Games and Simulation Principle- games should be aligned with the learning goals in order for the games to be effective. This is a marketing game for business. The learning goals are definitely aligned.

Gaming and Simulations Principle

Thinking Skills Principle

Thinking Skills Principle- Makes instructional methods that make each process explicit for the learner.
This a great example of this process. The procedures are explicit.

Thinking Skills Principle

Learner Control Principle 4

Learner Control Principle 4  This gives the learner more pacing control. The learner tends to lean to exercises at their own pace. The learner does simulations at their own pace.

Learner Principle 4

Learner Control Principle 1

Learner Control Principle 1- This principle gives experience learners control.
This allows the learner to have some control over the learning environment.

Learner Control Principle 1

Practice Principle 2: Mirror the Job

Practice Principle 2: Mirror the Job-  requires learners to respond in similar ways during training in a work environment.  - This is a great example of Practice Principle 2: Mirror the job.

Practice Principle 2: Mirror the Job

Practice Principle I

Practice Principle 1 : Add Sufficient Practice-  engages students with instructional content and practice to to achieve the learning goal.  This example gives added sufficient practice.

Practice Principle 1: Add Sufficient Practice

Another example of Worked Principle (#2)

Worked Example of Principle 2: Promote Self-Explanations is an interaction often multiple choice in e-learning-that requires the learners to review the worked out steps in the process and understand the rationale behind the steps taken.
This example gives the rationale behind the steps taken.

Worked Example of Principle 2: Promote Self Explanation

Worked Example Principle

Worked Example Principle is a step by demonstration of how to perform a task or solve a problem.

This screen shot gives an accurate example of a Worked Example Principle.